{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}

-- |

-- Copyright : (c) Jann Müller 2018

-- License   :  MIT

-- Maintainer:  Jann Müller <j.mueller.11@alumni.ucl.ac.uk>

-- Stability :  experimental

-- Portability: non-portable


-- A set of useful scales for visualising data. Each scale is identified by an

-- empty data type ('Continuous', 'Ordinal' etc). To use a scale @f@ to map

-- @a@s to @b@s you need to construct a value of @ScaleOptions f a b@. To

-- make this easier, a constructor such as 'continuous', 'ordinal', etc.  is

-- provided for each scale.



-- Scales can be combined in a number of ways, just like to ordinary functions.

-- For example, we can take the 'Product' of any two scales @f@ and @g@.

-- The 'ScaleOptions' of combined scales are usually functions of the

-- 'ScaleOptions' of their components, and can be constructed in the same way.


module Data.H3.Scales(
  -- * Basic scales

  -- * Combinators

  -- * Data family instance constructors

) where

import           Data.Functor.Compose    (Compose (..))
import           Data.Functor.Identity   (Identity (..))
import           Data.List.NonEmpty      (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty      as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Map                as Map
import           Data.Profunctor         (Profunctor (..))
import           Data.Semigroup.Foldable (Foldable1 (..))
import           Data.Void               (Void)

import           Data.H3.Extent          (Extent, extent, fromTuple, toTuple)
import           Data.H3.Scalable        (Scalable (..), ScaleOptions, Target,
                                          TargetRange, arrow)
import           Data.H3.Utils           (defaultLabelCount, linear,
import           Prelude                 hiding (product)

-- | Indicates whether to extend the source (domain) of a continuous scale to

-- include 0.


-- Extending the scale to 0 ensures that absolute values are comparable but

-- may obscure differences between values if the variation of the data is small

-- compared to its absolute size.

data IncludeZeroPolicy = IncludeZero | DontIncludeZero

data Continuous a

-- | Create a continuous scale (map between real numbers).

continuous ::
  Extent a -- ^ The source range

  -> IncludeZeroPolicy -- ^ Whether to extend the source range to include 0

  -> ScaleOptions Continuous a a
continuous = ContScale

instance (Ord a, RealFrac a, Floating a) => Scalable Continuous a a where
  type Target Continuous = Identity
  type TargetRange Continuous a = Extent a
  data ScaleOptions Continuous a a = ContScale (Extent a) IncludeZeroPolicy
  scale (ContScale ex zp) tgt = scMap where
    (mn, mx) = toTuple $
      case zp of
        IncludeZero     -> extent 0 <> ex
        DontIncludeZero -> ex
    tgtEx = toTuple tgt
    (tcks, _) = looseLabels defaultLabelCount (mn, mx)
    srcEx = toTuple $ foldMap1 extent tcks
    scMap = Identity . linear srcEx tgtEx

data Cardinal a

-- | Create a cardinal scale (map from integers to 'Double').

cardinal :: Extent a -> ScaleOptions Cardinal a Double
cardinal = CardScaleOptions

mkDouble :: Integral a => a -> Double
mkDouble = fromIntegral

mkA :: Integral a => Double -> a
mkA = fromIntegral . (ceiling :: Double -> Integer)

instance (Ord a, Integral a) => Scalable Cardinal a Double where
  type Target Cardinal = Identity
  type TargetRange Cardinal Double = Extent Double
  data ScaleOptions Cardinal a Double = CardScaleOptions (Extent a)
  scale (CardScaleOptions ex) tgt = scMap where
    (mn, mx) = toTuple ex
    tgtEx = toTuple tgt
    tcks =
      fmap mkA
      $ fst
      $ looseLabels defaultLabelCount (mkDouble mn, mkDouble mx) -- TODO: Write a different version of looseLabels for integers

    srcEx = toTuple $ foldMap1 (extent . mkDouble) tcks
    scMap = dimap mkDouble Identity (linear srcEx tgtEx)

data Ordinal a

-- | Create an ordinal scale (map from some type with an 'Ord' instance to

--   'Extent Double').

ordinal ::
  NonEmpty a -- ^ The domain

  -> (a -> String) -- ^ A description of the values (for creating labels)

  -> ScaleOptions Ordinal a Double
ordinal = OrdScaleOptions

instance (Ord a, Eq a) => Scalable Ordinal a Double where
  type Target Ordinal = Extent
  type TargetRange Ordinal Double = Extent Double
  data ScaleOptions Ordinal a Double = OrdScaleOptions (NonEmpty a) (a -> String)
  scale (OrdScaleOptions ex _) tgt = scMap where
    (f, t) = toTuple tgt
    stepSize = (t - f) / fromIntegral n
    n = length ex
    step i = (f + i * stepSize, f + (i + 1) * stepSize)
    theMap = Map.fromList
      $ zip (NonEmpty.toList ex)
      $ fmap (fromTuple . step) [0 ..]
    scMap av = Map.findWithDefault tgt av theMap

-- | A type that is the result of a binary function

class ProductV p where
  type LeftV p :: *
  type RightV p :: *

instance ProductV Void where
  type LeftV Void = Void
  type RightV Void = Void

instance ProductV (a, b) where
  type LeftV (a, b) = a
  type RightV (a, b) = b

instance ProductV (Either a b) where
  type LeftV (Either a b) = a
  type RightV (Either a b) = b

newtype Product f g a = Product { getProduct :: (f (LeftV a), g (RightV a)) }

-- | The product of two scales.

product :: ScaleOptions f a b -> ScaleOptions g c d -> ScaleOptions (Product f g) (a, c) (b, d)
product = ProdScaleOpts

instance (
  Scalable f a b,
  Scalable g c d) => Scalable (Product f g) (a, c) (b, d) where
    type Target (Product f g) = Product (Target f) (Target g)
    type TargetRange (Product f g) (b, d) = (TargetRange f b, TargetRange g d)
    data ScaleOptions (Product f g) (a, c) (b, d) =
        (ScaleOptions f a b)
        (ScaleOptions g c d)
    scale (ProdScaleOpts fa gb) (ltgt, rtgt) = scMap where
      fm = scale fa ltgt
      gm = scale gb rtgt
      scMap (a, c) = Product (fm a, gm c)

data Nested (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) p

-- | 'nested' takes two scales @g@ and @f@ and creates a @g@ scale within each

--   @f@ result. This requires 'Target f', @Target g@ and @TargetRange g@ to be

--  identical.

nested :: ScaleOptions f a b -> ScaleOptions g c b -> ScaleOptions (Nested f g) (a, c) b
nested = NestScaleOpts

instance (
  Target g b ~ TargetRange g b,
  Target f b ~ TargetRange g b,
  Scalable f a b,
  Scalable g c b) => Scalable (Nested f g) (a, c) b where
    type Target (Nested f g) = (Target f)
    type TargetRange (Nested f g) b = TargetRange f b
    data ScaleOptions (Nested f g) (a, c) b =
        (ScaleOptions f a b)
        (ScaleOptions g c b)
    scale (NestScaleOpts fa gb) ftgt = scMap where
      fm = scale fa ftgt
      scMap (a, c) =
        let fma = fm a
            gm = scale gb fma in
            gm c

data Transformed (f :: * -> *) a

-- | Map the results of a scale monomorphically.

transformed :: (Target f b -> Target f b) -> (ScaleOptions f) a b -> ScaleOptions (Transformed f) a b
transformed = TransformedOpts

instance (
  Target f b ~ h b,
  Functor h,
  Scalable f a b) => Scalable (Transformed f) a b where
    type Target (Transformed f) = Target f
    type TargetRange (Transformed f) b = TargetRange f b
    data ScaleOptions (Transformed f) a b = TransformedOpts (Target f b -> Target f b) ((ScaleOptions f) a b)
    scale (TransformedOpts f o) tgt = f <$> scale o tgt

data Anchored (f :: * -> *) a

-- | Extend a scale by "anchoring" its results to a fixed point of the domain

anchored :: a -> ScaleOptions f a b -> ScaleOptions (Anchored f) a b
anchored = AnchoredOpts

newtype Pair a = Pair { getPair :: (a, a) }

instance (
  Applicative (Target f),
  Scalable f a b) => Scalable (Anchored f) a b where
    type Target (Anchored f) = Compose (Target f) Pair
    type TargetRange (Anchored f) b = TargetRange f b
    data ScaleOptions (Anchored f) a b = AnchoredOpts a (ScaleOptions f a b)
    scale (AnchoredOpts anch opts) tgt x =
      let f = scale opts tgt in
        Compose $ curry Pair <$> f anch <*> f x

-- | Apply two scales to the same value

split :: ScaleOptions f a b -> ScaleOptions g a c -> ScaleOptions (Split f g) a (b, c)
split = SplitScaleOpts

data Split (f :: * -> *) (g :: * -> *) a

instance (
  Scalable f a b,
  Scalable g a c
  ) => Scalable (Split f g) a (b, c) where
    type Target (Split f g) = Product (Target f) (Target g)
    type TargetRange (Split f g) (b, c) = (TargetRange f b, TargetRange g c)
    data ScaleOptions (Split f g) a (b, c) = SplitScaleOpts
      (ScaleOptions f a b)
      (ScaleOptions g a c)
    scale (SplitScaleOpts fa ga) (ltgt, rtgt) = scMap where
      fm = scale fa ltgt
      gm = scale ga rtgt
      scMap a = Product (fm a, gm a)